Leaders in fundraising strategy and capacity building in the for-purpose sector
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We help for-purpose organisations realise their philanthropic potential and achieve their vision for impact through philanthropy.

She Gives Media Release

Australian women are entering the spotlight as influential modern philanthropists, with a new paper highlighting their growing power as change agents working to address some of the pressing challenges of our time.
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We draw on our rich network across the philanthropic sector to publish evidence-based fundraising resources and philanthropy success stories. Read our case studies and listen to our podcast.

Our Team

Working exclusively at Board and executive level, our philanthropy and fundraising consulting team is a force for good within Australia’s for-purpose sector, collectively building the capability and confidence of our for-purpose leaders to drive multi-million-dollar fundraising campaigns and achieve lasting social impact.

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We work directly with Boards, executives and philanthropists across diverse sectors (including health, education, advocacy, arts, culture and social services) who share a common goal to create lasting change.

What's your Noble Ambition?

How can we help you achieve your noble ambition? If you are ready to scale your impact, we are here to help.
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